The Orux 480 Z (Profile) is one of our most advanced lighting fixtures. Part of our Orux series, it is equipped with a 480watt LED while being a versatile fixture capable of achieving a wide zoom range of 4.5º – 55º. Its precision optics feature a light color temperature of 6,500k, CMY + CTO color mixing, and a color wheel that is equipped with 7 colors + open which gives the user a full color spectrum from soothing pastels to rich saturated colors. One of its best features is its framing system which has (8) independently controlled blades which allows the creation of a variety of shapes. Also featured is its 8-facet prism, 1 static gobo wheel + 1 rotational gobo wheel which combines for 16 metal gobos. The Orux 480 Z is the perfect LED moving fixture for any sized venue looking to include advanced programming & looks.