Neutronic Haze Fluid


Size: 1 Gallon
Neutronic Haze Fluid

Neutronic Haze Fluid

1 Gallon

1 Gallon

Neutronic Haze Fluid is an affordable and comparable alternative haze fluid to Le Maitre Neutron and PureHaze Haze Fluids.

Comparable to Le Maitre Neutron and PureHaze Haze Fluids
Comparable performance to PureHaze when used in the Le Maitre Neutron XS Hazer, MVS, Stadium Hazer, HazeMaster and EcoHazer
Very High Concentration of Active Chemical to Minimize Fluid Consumption!
The Long Hang Time helps intensify the radiance of your lights!
Neutronic Haze has been independently tested by Environ and is listed on Actor's Equity and is safe to use on live stage performances.