Luxé Cannon 300 Z IP (RGBAL)


Luxé Cannon 300 Z IP (RGBAL)

Luxé Cannon 300 Z IP (RGBAL)


The Gamma Spektra Leko Cannon LED 300 is a LED 300W Ellipsoidal Spotlight system that was designed for any venue that utilizes a studio, TV, theatre, live streaming/performing events and other applications where high-definition lighting is a must. What makes this product unique, is it can create a high power of 300W, using red, green, blue, amber, & lime (5in1 LED) (high CRI color reduction system). With R/G/B/A/L at its full disposal and a HSIC intelligent color mix system, it can create a color spectrum from 2,700k to 12,000K, an example would be a sunrise to sunset color spectrum. Some other key feature would be the motorized blade system and zoom, this gives the user an ability to create a variety of shapes & also adjusting the zoom from 15-30 degrees. Also being a IP65 outdoor rated fixture it can handle the environmental factors (water, dust). It truly is Gamma’s top of the line Theatrical Spektra lighting line.